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The Changing Dynamics of Twitter

According to Statista, Twitter had 300 million active users in the year 2022[1]. This number is only expected to continually increase in the near future. Hence, it can be said that Twitter is currently one of the most powerful social networking platforms. It is a handy platform to connect with people across the world and exchange thoughts.

As Twitter is a microblogging platform, people use Twitter for sharing news and opinions in 140 characters or less. Now Twitter has evolved into a powerful tool that, if it is used effectively, can help in building a more significant and rememberable brand. Since its inception, Twitter has changed dramatically. Many new features have been adopted and a few have been dropped.

In this blog, we will walk you through how Twitter has changed so drastically over the years.

The Changing Dynamics of twitter

Where it Came From & Where is it Going?

Let’s have a look at the Twitter’s journey and the key milestones that Twitter has achieved

Jack Dorsett, one of Twitter’s co-founders, had a concept for such service in 2006. Dorsey had viewed Twitter as an SMS-based communication platform. It allowed people to stay in touch and give updates on what they were up to.

  • 2006

Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, and a German contract developer launched Twitter as a microblogging platform for users to send brief text messages to friends and family with a restriction of 140 characters.

  • 2008
In this year Evan Williams took over as CEO and Jack Dorsey was elected as Chairman of the board.
  • 2009
Twitter grew into an engaging platform by launching verified blue ticks, hyperlinks, hashtags, and the option to retweet. So that Twitter users remain up to date on current events.
  • 2010
Twitter’s user interface was updated in this year. Twitter also started generating revenue by displaying sponsored results on search results pages.

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