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Content Marketing Services

Crafting Captivating Content

Words are the best embellishments that you can use to add value to what you are doing, sell yourself, your products and services and lead the path of business success. With good, captivating content that’s marketed well, you are in for driving amazing engagements and generating quality leads. Achieve it with fantastically creative content generation and marketing done at the hands of our talented and passionate team of content and copy writers. 

Content that Attracts, Engages, and Converts

You’ve always heard that words are power, and they are indeed. Words can allure people like nothing else. All you need to do is use your words intelligently like you’re crafting them to set an appeal, create an impression! 


That’s what you do in Content Marketing. When you are marketing your products and services, you most prominently use words to describe the exceptional and astounding features and functionalities you have to offer. When you take this on a higher level and scale, you enter the content marketing world where your words work all the magic to create a market for your brand. 


When you generate content that relates to your audience and strategically market it over different platforms, you’re engaging with people around and setting a niche market for your brand. With higher engagement, you have more traffic coming to your website and that contributes to lead generation and conversion and ultimately business success. So, it’s a win-win where you earn profits while establishing brand value and customer relationships with engaging, attractive, and valuable content. 


So, what are you waiting for? Are you ready to market yourself with the power of content? 

Increase Sales For Business With Content Marketing

Our Content Marketing Services

From content creation to the content being published over amazing websites and bringing you leads, we do it all. 


Content Writing

With a team of versatile content writers and copy writers having years of experience in content generation, we craft the most amazing content for your websites and blogs helping you detail your services and ideas in the most creative and engaging way for higher lead generation and conversion.

Guest Blogging

Get backlinks from websites with high domain and page authority so that your brand has the visibility across multiple channels thereby establishing brand recognition and brand value. With the articles that our talented writers create, they find place on the top websites in no time.

Bloggers’ Outreach

The technical aspects of the website play a key role in maintaining a proper website structure. We perform a complete technical SEO and check your website for broken links, error status, accurate URL structure, etc., and fix any problems which may be encountered in the process to ensure that your website functions smoothly.

Proofreading and Editing

With content, you can always find scope of improvement and there can be multiple rounds of editing before you can finalize a copy. Our content writers and editors have an eye for details and with their insightful approach, they can put in a lot more to your existing content with detailed proofreading and content editing.

Content Audit and Optimization

For your content to rank and bring leads, it needs to be SEO optimized. So, you have to audit your content on a regular basis and make sure to update the relevant keywords to keep your rankings and grow with the content over time. Leave the task to our team that audits your content on key SEO parameters and algorithms and optimized it for higher reach and engagement.

Content Marketing Process

Content Planning

We begin with a clear strategy chalking out a comprehensive plan on the content needs and requirements based on the target audience and niche industry.

Content Creation

With a clear idea on content requirements, we start generating relatable, engaging, and creative content that speaks for its quality on parameters like completeness, technicality, appeal, and SEO.

Content Distribution

Once you’ve got the relevant content, you need to publish it on different platforms where it can reach and engage with your audience. We help distribute your content across platforms with processes like guest blogging, bloggers outreach, and other on-page and off-page submissions.

Content Reporting

Once your content is live, we monitor its performance and provide a detailed report with insights into the website traffic, time-on-site per user, and other metrics in relation with the content marketing process. Additionally, we continuously work on modifications and enhancements to keep going for higher results from content marketing.

Why Content Marketing?

Choose your words carefully, be even more careful while delivering them, and with the perfect balance, you can enchant anyone with what you speak. This is the power that words possess. So, with good content, you can keep anyone content. That goes for your business too. Content marketing helps you present your products and services to your target audience in an alluring way, customers are able to build a trust reading your content and take your products and services with a higher satisfaction. You, in turn, benefit by higher website traffic, higher scalability, higher profitability, and business success.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What kind of content is needed for content marketing?

When you’re working on content generation for marketing it, you need to make sure that it’s unique and creative to the core. It has to be engaging, something that your target audience can relate with. Additionally, you need to fix the focus on keeping the content optimized for SEO as well so that it may rank and serve the basic purpose of bringing more traffic to the website.

What’s an ideal content length?

The ideal length varies depending on the types of content. For instance, thin content never ranks, so pushing shorter content on your website will never bring you results. In this case an ideal length for your website pages and blogs shall be at least 700+ words. However, there are other sites too where only short content is posted, for instance sites for image submissions or social media sites like twitter. In those case, you need to create shorter content.

What should be the frequency on content publishing on the website/blogs?

The more consistent you are with posting your content, the better your results from the marketing efforts. Generally, the frequency depends on the level of SEO and marketing you want to do. However, at the least, you must keep a frequency of publishing at least one post a week.

What is the cost of Content Marketing Services?

We have different packages for all our content marketing services. You can choose from what best meets your requirements. You can also have a customized package. If you’re having a hard time deciding what to add to your cart, we can schedule a call and our experts can suggest the best package to you based on a complete understanding and analyzation of your needs and requirements.

Why Metaware?

While you may be using social media for a long time, using it for marketing and business growth is tricky and requires strategized approaches that can best be created by expert, experienced, creative, and talented professionals. Our team is built with amazingly creative heads who use their talents to bring the best results for your business from social media so that you see yourselves at the top of the stairs to success.

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